I have had the toughest time coming up with a topic for this website. I have revised my topic serveral times and am about to do it again - I am going to do the site on online shopping and how it contributes to the rise in identity theft. This ties into my original concept of identity theft but also gives me room to discuss a topic I thoroughly enjoy - shopping! I think this could be really interesting and fun to research. Dr. Chandler if this is ok, please let me know :)
Purpose: Upon researching this topic, I am hoping to find information about how the rise in online shopping also contributes to the rise in identity theft. I am also hoping to find different ways of how to prevent identity theft.
Users: The technological and computer savy members of society who frequently use the computer for shopping purposes and those who have been victims of identity theft.
Research Question: How has the technological advancement of online shopping contributed to the rising number of cases of identity teft.
Layout: I'm still coming up with layout decisions but I would like to include pieces that inform the readers of what identity theft is, statistics, how to prevent identity theft, and how online shopping has caused case numbers to rise.
Helpful links:
Safe place, no judgement.
3 years ago
That is a great research question. It is interesting. You can find a lot of info. on this topic. Many people may feel that putting their info. online is safe but might not be aware of the consequences that follows of doing so. With all of this new technology hackers can easily take someone's identity. You also have good sources. You can reword or dot use "how to".