Monday, February 2, 2009

Blog #2 - "Course Readings"

Since we have only read a few pieces so far, the one that stuck out the most for me was the first reading, Is the Internet a US Invention. While reading this, although at times it was a bit tough, it really opened up an entire world of Internet/computer related vocabulary that I was not accustomed to. For example, it explained terms that I see each and everyday but had no clue as to what their meanings were. I learned what http, html, and tcp/ip stood for. I also learned what packet switching was which was something I never even heard of. I also learned what the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was and so on. We also went over digital vs analog in great detail which was something that was a bit tough for me to read. All in all, I believe this was a helpful piece for the course and our class discussion only made it better.

1 comment:

  1. This article, I admit, was not my favorite and it took a long time to get through it, but I do agree with one thing that you are saying. Terms that I've heard before and never knew what they meant, now had meaning. I was able to go to my "computer techy" brother, and finally explain to him a term that I didn't know before. This was a great thing, because he is usually telling me to just learn the computer, and not so much to understand the terminology. However, I feel that now I have a better grip on the meaning behind these words!
