From as far back as I can remember, I always loved to read. I loved reading wonderful books in the comfort of my home. Reading was always such a huge part of my life. Since I was little, my parents always thought it was extremely important to read. Each night before I went to sleep, I would chose a book and either my mother or father would sit and read it to me while I fell asleep. As I got older, I used to love accompanying my mother on trips to Barnes and Noble. My mother is an avid reader and flies through literature quicker than anyone I know. I always aspired to be like her. I remember being so proud when we bought my first "chapter" book because I felt just like my mom - I was a big girl now! That book was the first of many chapter books. In 5th grade I remember all of the girls used to love reading
The Babysitter's Club while the books enjoyed
Goosebumps. In school we were urged to bring a book in so that after a test we could quietly sit and indulge. I always happily obliged! Now, I am twenty three years old and I still love to read! My latest venture is the
Twilight series that was graciously given to me by my aunt who is also a lover of books!
I not only established a love for reading, but a love of writing as well. Obviously writing is a huge part of school work but for me, it's more than just that. When I was young, I used to write notes to my parents and grandmother. They were always written on a piece of construction paper in crayon. This letter writing came in handy as I approached fifth grade and my parents decided to move. I was so upset that I was moving away from my friends! To help ease the pain of moving, my grandmother suggested that my friends and I become pen pals and we did! During the few months I was away, we moved back a mere three months later, I exchanged letters with my friends and it made me feel like I was still in Holmdel. I also tried my hand at writing short stories for fun and not just school work. I bought pretty colored notebooks and remember trying to write scary stories just in time for Halloween! I also kept a journal during my middle school years. That journal is overflowing with memories that I love to go back and read every now and then!
When I entered middle school, technology really became a huge part of my life. The Internet was just coming into full swing a wreaking havoc on William R. Staz Middle School in Holmdel. Everyone was so excited about it! AOL became the world to all of us! The minute we got out of school, we all would race home and hop onto AOL where instant messages would fill the screen - you would think there wouldn't be much to talk about considering we were all just together a mere few minutes ago! AOL was undoubted the center of attention for all of us and the minute it came into the picture, the book shelves starting filling with dust. Reading was so passe to most of us.. especially with this new world we had at our fingertips! My parents were not to keen on the Internet taking over our lives so they would set limits for us. That also helped stop fights between me and my sister.. the two of us would constantly argue over the computer! After a certain time the computer was either shut off or reserved specifically for school purposes. My mother still urged us to read and I still loved doing so, even with this new phenomenon.
Email and search engines are also perks of the Internet. Email helps to quickly send messages from anywhere in the world at warp speed! You can send an email from NJ to China and receive a response in less than ten minutes! Search engines such as Yahoo and the infamous Google have also profoundly impacted my life.. especially for school work. Search engines make it possible for us all to access important information and research what each subject deems necessary. There is no longer a hassle of making time out of your busy schedule to run to the library. You can access Internet information anytime you want - all day and all hours.
After the Internet phenomenon, along came the next... cell phones. Cell phones came out just as I was leaving middle school and entering high school. I remember the first one my mother had.. it looked like a cinder block! It was so bulky and heavy.. it even had an antennae that you had to pull up before making calls! I got my first cell phone when I was a freshman in high school. It was a simple black flip phone that I mainly used to call friends after school or my mom when I needed a ride. After that phone came several others. When Motorola came out with the first color screen phone, I ran out and bought one! This phone had so much more to offer- aka text messaging. Text messaging became another great love in the lives of students and added the gray hair to the heads of several of my math teachers! I remember becoming so adapt to texting that I didn't even have to look at the screen to see who or what I was texting! Cell phones advance at such a rapid pace that it seems as if there is a new phone out every single day. My latest baby is my iPhone which I have fallen head over heals in love with and has become my life line. It feels as if my entire world is connected to that small piece of equipment. I can email my teachers from it, keep it touch with friends, find directions in in case I am ever lost, access the Internet just about anywhere... the list goes on! I also refuse to drive without my phone. Personally, I panic if it's not in the car with me. I travel a great distance to school - I live 45 minutes away - an God forbid if something ever happened, like a breakdown, flat tire, etc., I feel like I am protected, in a sense, if my phone is with me (especially since I am unfamiliar with everything in this area - other than Kean itself). I remember when I was younger and cell phones did not exist. My mother used to have to find a payphone if something ever happened. Nowadays, payphones are few and far between. You basically need a cell phone with you.
Through the years, technology has made so many fantastic changes in our society. We live in an age where you no longer need to dial telephone numbers to connect to friends and family, cellular phones no longer have buttons that need to be pressed, and typewriters belong in the Smithsonian - not on your desktop. Now that I am older, I have become more reliant on the technological aspects of society. I still enjoy reading a great book, especially if there is sun beating down on me, a nice breeze, and sand between my toes, but I am definitely more dependent on the technological aspects of society. I have no idea what I would do without a computer for school work. It has become such a necessity! And like I said before, I refuse to drive without my cell phone! It just makes me feel more secure to have it with me (along with the car charger that is a life saver!). In my opinion, our society has improved tremendously thanks to the technological advances made available to us.